Department of Logic, IPhRAS

Logical Investigations

Department of logic
Logical Studies
Department of Logic New website of the department
"Logical Investigations"
Research Seminar Logic on the Internet

Department of logic

"Logical Investigations"

Department of Logic of Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences anually publishes Logical Investigations, a journal on philosophical logic. The majority of publications are in Russian.

Here is an index, in English, of the first 10 volumes.

Logical Investigations accepts for submission papers containing original results in all areas of logic. The papers should not have been published or simultaneously submitted to another publication.

Papers should be submitted electronically in the LATEX2ε format (special permission of the editorial board is needed for submissions to be made in the MS Word format). Authors who want to publish their papers in the annuary should do the following:

  1. Download the *.sty file.
  2. Download the header file li.tex.
  3. In the file li.tex put the name of the file which contains the article in the argument of the \include command without the extension ".tex".
  4. Compile li.tex.
  5. The text of the paper shold be formatted according to the following example. Please, pay a special attention to the following points:
    • Papers should not exceed 30 pages. A paper should have an abstract in English not exceeding 100 words and a list of keywords (3 to 5 words or phrases).
    • Abstract, keywords, theorems, lemmas, proofs, etc, should be typeset using respective environments.
    • Figures, tables, and diagrams should be typeset using LATEX. For pictures .eps files can also be used.
    • Footnotes should appear at the bottom of the page and should be numbered sequentially throughout the paper.
    • For quotation marks, symbols “ and ” should be used. For nested quotation marks, symbols ‘ and ’ should be used.
    • A hyphen should be typeset as follows: “This theorem~--- unlike the rest in this paper~--- is really important”.
    • References should appear at the back of the paper in the alphabetic order and typeset using the thebibliography environment (exactly as in the example). Inside the text, all the references are cited using the \cite command.
    • The bibliography should contain:
      • For books, the surnames and the initials of the authors, the publisher, and the year of publication;
      • For papers, the surnames and the initials of the authors, the title of the paper, the title of the publication, the year of publication, and the (the initial and the final) pages.
    • The beginning and the end of the article should be formatted as in the example, not as in the document of the article class.
  6. Together with the paper, the following information should be
    • The full names of the authors
    • Deegres
    • Associated institution
  7. Submissions should be emailed to the following address:

 Graduate students are not charged for the publication.